Moles, tags and Skin cancer lesions
Skin Lesion Excisions Everyone likes to have clear skin. However, a person may develop moles and skin tags. These growths and marks are generally harmless but can be unsightly. They can be easily removed at our clinic in Watford under local anaesthetics.
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Inverted Nipple Surgery
The nipple/areola area consists of the central projection, known as the nipple, and the coloured circular dish shaped component, the areola. Although, essentially, the function of the nipple/areola complex is for breastfeeding, it is also of course one of
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Tuberous Breast Correction
Tuberous (or tubular) breast is a condition that usually develops at puberty, and is characterised by elongated, narrow breasts and a longer skin envelope, causing the breast, areola and nipples to point downward. The areola can be puffy and usually large
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Split ear lobule repair
A woman’s earlobes, while they may be small, have a significant impact on her appearance. Naturally occurring earlobes take on a variety of forms, sizes and shapes, and fall at differing heights and positions. They may be on the side of the face, bu
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Dimple Creation
Beautiful, cute and natural looking dimples Anyone, man or woman of any age, can enjoy a brand new set of dimples. Dimple creation can be performed under local anaesthetic at the Medical Arts for Cosmetic Surgery clinic in Watford, Hertfordshire. Natural
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