Correspondance Address
Medical Arts for Cosmetic Surgery Unit 3 Wilmington Close Watford WD18 0AF
020 7078 4378
- Consultant Cosmetic Surgeoninfo@medicalartsforcosmeticsurgery.com
Mr. Vadodaria is a British trained Consultant Plastic Surgeon. He is on the Specialist Register of the General Medical Council.
He completed his medical graduation from India and was awarded the qualification of M.B; B.S with a Gold Medal. Mr. Vadodaria achieved his Master’s degree in General Surgery (M.S) and Plastic Surgery (M.Ch) following 6 years of training in the respective specialties. He was also awarded a prize during his training for the best paper presentation by the National Association of All India Plastic Surgeons, and was also awarded an International Traveling Fellowship and J.N.Tata Scholarship for advanced training in Sweden.
Mr. Vadodaria has had extensive training in plastic surgery in the United Kingdom. He completed his higher surgical training in plastic surgery and was awarded FRCS (Plastic Surgery). He has been on the specialist register of the General Medical Council since 2004 (Registration Number 4386421). He has also received advanced cosmetic surgery training in Sweden, Germany and Belgium.
Mr. Vadodaria has presented more than 90 papers at national and international plastic surgical congresses. He has innovated new instruments, simulators and plastic surgical techniques, which are published in peer reviewed plastic surgery journals. Mr. Vadodaria was invited to take part in faculty meetings in International Plastic Surgery in Sweden, Germany, Spain, Brazil, Dubai and the Czech Republic.
Mr. Vadodaria has worked as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at St. George’s NHS Hospital, London and as an Honorary Lecturer in the Division of Surgery at the Sheffield University. During that time he was involved in teaching medical students and in the training of plastic surgery trainees.Mr Vadodaria is an active member of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), UK Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (UKAAPS), the Royal College of surgeons of Glasgow (FRCS) and the British Medical Association (BMA). Mr. Vadodaria worked as a lecturer at the Institute of Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery at the West London Clinic. He worked as a visiting Consultant Plastic Surgeon at the Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank for six years. He is specialized in body contouring procedures like breast augmentation, breast reduction, breast lift, abdominal reduction, liposuction, correction of male breast (gyneacomastia), facial plastic surgery like facelift, eyelid and brow surgery, and nose and ear correction.
Mr. Vadodaria pioneered a cleft lip and palate project in a rural part of Rajasthan at India in 2002. He visits India to treat cleft lip and palate children once in year, and has been doing so for the last 17 years. He also visited Dhaka Medical College, Bangladesh in November, 2007 to train the local plastic surgery trainees and provide services in the plastic surgery department as part of an Australian Interplast group. In 2015 he worked on the Mercy Ship as a plastic surgeon during its stay in Madagascar, where he performed reconstructive surgery for victims of burns and children born with deformities.
Mr. Vadodaria appeared in the TV series ‘Embarrassing bodies’ on Channel 4, where he demonstrated the surgical procedure for the correction of male breasts. He has also appeared on the TV programmes Bleach, Nip, Tuck – The White Beauty Myth, and Bodyshockers. Mr. Vadodaria has also been radio interviewed, giving information to the general public about liposuction. He was invited to demonstrate liposuction for an educational documentary production by Reuters International Media Agency, and has appeared in many publications, including Attitude , Marie Claire, Body Language and Aesthetic Medicine.