Inverted Nipple Surgery

The nipple/areola area consists of the central projection, known as the nipple, and the coloured circular dish shaped component, the areola. Although, essentially, the function of the nipple/areola complex is for breastfeeding, it is also of course one of

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Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous (or tubular) breast is a condition that usually develops at puberty, and is characterised by elongated, narrow breasts and a longer skin envelope, causing the breast, areola and nipples to point downward. The areola can be puffy and usually large

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Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non-surgical nose reshaping (rhinoplasty) is an increasingly popular alternative to traditional surgery.  Essentially, absorbable dermal fillers are used to reshape the nose.  Non-surgical rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) is far more affordable than surgery

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Lip Aesthetics

Women have always wanted beautiful, well-proportioned lips.  Angelina Jolie, Sophia Loren, Rihanna, Scarlett Johansson… all stunning women with notably full lips.  No wonder, then, that women the world over wish to emulate those lovely pouts.  Despit

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Wrinkle relaxing

Injectable line and wrinkle treatments are used to treat both fine lines and deeper wrinkles, most commonly on the face.  They work by relaxing the facial muscles, causing the lines and wrinkles to smooth out.  The areas most frequently treated are the

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